In late June four boats, Optimystic, Hideaway, Mama Crane, and Deborah Gail met at Herringrton Harbor South to begin our journey down the Chesapeake and up the Potomic River. One boat, SeaNote, had engine trouble and Captain Marty, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Andrea(demoted from First Mate), and EighthNote (8 year old Fisher) joined the crew of Optimystic for the 2 week voyage.
In addition to Fisher, two other Junior Crew were on the cruise, Tristan (10) on Optimystic and Ethan(10) on Hideaway. The boys inspected anchors, sailed in a group on Hideaway and Optimystic and helped to tie cleats when necessary. Swimming pools at marinas were much appreciated.
Besides the restaurants along the way, we managed to have a picnic at Point Lookout Marina with a pickup soccer game, an Italian night pot luck, and a Carribean night dinner, and several Heavy hors d’oeuves nights.
Plans were made by Cruise Chairs, Kay and Linda. But as we travelled south, changes in the location of raftups and the number of raftups were made to accommodate boats that didn’t start and Hurricane Arthur which produced gale winds as it passed while we stayed in Oxford.
Along the way, the women met to discuss the book “The Storyteller” by Jodi Picoult and play Mah Jongg.
Everyone agreed that we had plenty of wind to sail and a fun time.