Our Spring 2015 sailing season got off to a good start with our annual Planning Meeting in Galesville. Our calendar is now filled with events both on and off the water. We welcome newcomers, so join us when you can. See our website at www.cbtsc.org to contact our officers and for more information on our activities.
Our first event was the annual Symposium on March 21st, captained by Darlene Forte. Speakers included Matt Rutherford, who completed a solo, non-stop circumnavigation of the Americas in 2012, and who has recently returned from a Trans-Pac 63-day study of plastic pollution in the Pacific.
Gary Jobson, a world-class sailor, TV commentator and author of eighteen sailing books, was another featured speaker. Chris Oliver, well-known to many of our club members as someone who can and will fix whatever ails a Tartan, also shared his experiences with us. In addition, most attendees left with some useful and amusing door prizes from local sailing businesses.

Armed with all this excellent information, on the weekend of April 25th, we'll sail up the Severn to Salt Works Creek for our first cruise, a Rum Tasting event hosted by John Juzbasich. Following this cruise will be a Memorial Day cruise to Mike Heilman's lovely home on the Magothy.
Next will be the ever-popular Kid's Cruise led by Tim Critchfield to the Rhode River on June 6th and 7th. On the weekend of June 19th-21st, we will return to the Wye River Natural Resources Management Area, thanks to the efforts of Darlene Forte.
This spot on the Eastern Shore has trails for hiking or biking plus 30 miles of protected shoreline for kayaks, dinghies and fishing. There is a covered pavilion for dining, a self-service kitchen and an outdoor grill. Overnight accommodations are also available in a dormitory-style lodge.
We have had a brutal winter, and we wish everyone a sweet and early Spring!