Crabby Singles on Sailboats

It was hot. Very hot, with infrequent encounters with light winds on the way to Rock Hall for the 33rd annual Seafood Feast. Yet on most measures, the gastronomical extravaganza was an unparalleled success with more than 100 Singles on Sailboats (SOS) members picking all-you-can-eat crabs, shoulder to shoulder into the twilight. By the end of the dinner, some members were so full, they could only sidle sideways like crabs between the long tables piled high with the decapods.

SOS members gettin' crabby. Photo by Suzanne Pelland

Crabs have 10 legs which make them very agile, but oddly enough they are terrible dancers because of their five left feet. Now SOS doesn’t claim that amongst their ranks, none have five left feet, but since most only have one or two, the tide of dancers boogied impressively beneath the stars to the rockin’ tunes of the 12-piece Kaleidoscope band.

Sailing season is passing quickly, but SOS has sailing trips into November, as well as a full winter program of informative and convivial events. If you would like to join for the rest of this sailing season, SOS is offering a special discount membership opportunity: Join now and get an extended membership through the end of 2016. Go to for more details.