CAPCA Elects New Officers

The Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Association (CAPCA) has elected new officers for 2016. The Annapolis-based organization serves Coast Guard-licensed captains in the Chesapeake area, providing

a clearinghouse for job opportunities, continuing education classes, networking, mentoring, guest speakers and field trips, and discounts on maritime-related purchase.

Members hold operator’s or master’s licenses that qualify them to work as captains of tour-boats, water taxis, towboats, charter boats, and private yachts. Some also accept jobs as delivery captains all over the East Coast.

Captain Karen Holcomb will continue as president of the 300-member organization and Captain Ken Appleton will remain secretary. Captains elected to new posts include Bill Washington, first vice-president; Hamilton Gale, assistant vice-president; and Carl Bart, treasurer.

New members of the board of directors are Rick Perri, jobs program; Priscilla Travis, programs; Philip Gauthier, membership; and Art Pine, communication. CAPCA officers are elected for one-year terms and may continue in office for three consecutive terms. Directors are elected for two-year terms and may stay remain in office for up to six years.

CAPCA meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Annapolis Elks Lodge, 2 Pythian Way, in Edgewater, Maryland. Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:15 p.m. For more information and a calendar of events, visit There are no monthly meetings in August and December.

For More Information, contact Art Pine – (301) 633-4733; [email protected]