2016 ESSA Bridge Election Slate Announced

2016 Bridge Officer Nominations: Eastern Shore Sailing Association (ESSA)

The Nominating Committee has announced the following slate of officers for the 2016 ESSA Bridge:

Commodore:  Chris Wilde (Current Commodore)

Vice Commodore: David Buchanan (Current V Commodore)

Secretary:  Betsy Cottingham

Treasurer:  Lee Patrick

Choptank Captain: John Moore (2nd Consecutive Term)

Tangier Captain:  Pete Genero (2nd Consecutive Term

Choptank Fleet. Photo by Jerry Gerlitski

Members are invited to submit additional nominations for these offices to Dave Buchanan ([email protected]) by November 20. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor immediately preceding the election at the General Meeting held after the Awards Dinner on November 21.

Also, there is a requirement to elect three members to serve on the nominating committee for 2016.   Nominees can be submitted via email by November 19th or from the floor at the General Meeting. ESSA also needs volunteers to serve as Cruise Chairman, Yearbook Chairman and Web Site Editor.  Please consider helping by volunteering for one of these responsibilities.

Upcoming Events:

Change of Watch Dinner: The annual Change of Watch Dinner will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at a Salisbury location. Join us in welcoming our 2016 Bridge. Details will follow closer to the event.

Winter Meetings: ESSA will hold its winter general meetings on Saturday February 20th and March 19th.  Suggestions for programs and speakers should be submitted to Vice Commodore Dave Buchanan ([email protected] ).