On February 14 at the Prospect Bay Country Club, Kent Narrows Sail & Power Squadron held its 23rd Change of Watch. The meeting began with an Invocation from Chaplain Phyllis Radlinski and recognition of members who have passed over during the last year with the ringing of a ships bell, handled by Lt John Murphy SN-CN. KNSPS also swore in three new members and presented them with their name tags and USPS pins.
A delicious lunch was enjoyed by 38 members of the squadron. Then District 5 CDR Fuzzy Jones and outgoing CDR Kathy Burke presided over the Change of Watch that saw the relieving of the outgoing Bridge of Officers and the swearing in of the 2016/2017 Bridge. Edie Chapman was sworn in as Commander. New Bridge officers are Executive Officer Lt/C Michael Payne, S; Education Officer Lt/C Joseph Burke, SN-CN; Administrative Officer Lt/C Ginny Martin; Secretary Lt/C Judy Young, AP; Asst. Secretary 1st/Lt Rhonda Gribbin, S; Asst. Administrative Officer and Membership Chair 1st/Lt. Jill Mulford; Asst. Treasurer and Publicity Chair 1st/Lt. Marie Murphy, S; and Executive Committee At Large - P/D/C Marty Lafferty, AP. Not available that day but serving are: Asst. Education Officer 1st/Lt Dan Ehrenfeld, P and Treasurer - Lt/C Barbara Locke, S.
P/C Sari Lafferty, AP was awarded the Squadron Photographer burgee in recognition of her years of documenting KNSPS activities.