Southern Bay Race Week Party Photos

Photos by SpinSheetPhotos by SpinSheet

Here are some photos from the Friday night party at Southern Bay Race Week at Hampton Yacht Club. If you've never been to this place, put SBRW on your calendar for 2018. Great club, warm welcome, great sailing, and one of the biggest regattas on the Chesapeake with 100 entries. Find more photos from day one here.

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Solomons sailors unite in Hampton!Solomons sailors unite in Hampton! Got to love a new SpinSheet shirt!!Got to love a new SpinSheet shirt!!Thank you, volunteers!!Thank you, volunteers!!Back at the hotel bar, we found BLACKBEARD, who's beheading was on tap for the next day at the Blackbeard Pirate Fest!!!Back at the hotel bar, we found BLACKBEARD, who's beheading was on tap for the next day at the Blackbeard Pirate Fest!!!