DS NACR on Pleasant Bay, Chatham MA. Sponsored by Chatham Yacht Club primarily. I steered, Crew Rob Baxter (Boston Univ sailing coach). No practice race. We did practice on 11/23 and I was on power boat for Junior NACR on 11/24. Best race - race one in 3rd place till last leg near finish and ended up in 5th. Capsize on second day - Crew decided to pull in my main and cleat it as I said we are going to capsize. He said "no you're not Amy" as he climbed over the side onto centerboard. I insisted we finish that race and we were ahead of those in Presidential fleet. Two other boats capsized in regatta including team who won event- Natalie and Allison Coleman (sisters I've raced against since my teen years). I raced against my brother and nephew who sailed DS my family bought when I was 12. Fun event! 500 miles to travel up and multiple fixes of trailer to get it road ready. 

Scoring Event: 
Multi-day regatta
Event date: 
Thursday, July 25, 2024
  • Ready to race on Pleasant Bay!