The J80 Nationals were held on the Chesapeake Bay - EYC event.
I volunteered as Medic on the Water (as a member of the Race Committee). I was on the water all day Friday, 10/1 and Saturday 10/2. I went out on a very nice Key West Center Console powerboat and really enjoyed watching the event.
Fortunately, we did not have any need to assist any sailors with medical needs during the regatta.
I was able to have my physician neighbor (retired Air Force) assist on Sunday in my absence since I was racing my DS that day in Day 2 of our Fall Invitational.
What a wonderful regatta! I had been scheduled to race in the regatta and yet since light winds were predicted John Taylor and Eunice Lin (J80 Vitesse) chose to race with a total of four on board rather than five. Having the opportunity to get out and help and watch was a perfect way to participate.