News for and about racing sailors on the Chesapeake Bay, a weekly roundup of a sailboat race results, the SpinSheet Racing Team and how you can join, expert tips from Quantum, and SpinSheet’s downloadable sailing regatta photos for purchase.

The American Magic boat Patriot took home runner-up honors in the four-boat round-robin, 12-race World Series event held right before Christmas week in Waitemata Harbor.
The December double round robin races on Auckland’s Waitemata Harbor are a precursor to the do-or-die America's Cup Challenger Series scheduled to run January 15 to February 21.
The deadline for the SpinSheet Racing Team 2020 is Tuesday, December 15, so log your points today! 
Now’s the time to start making plans and preparations if you’re considering sailing in a world championship. ~By Kim Couranz
The story behind Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use in Lin McCarthy's words. 
Annapolis Yacht Club has doubled its entries for the exciting Doublehanded Distance Race 2020 slated for October 3-4.
American Magic's Terry Hutchinson and crew have plenty of work to do getting the new Patriot into the water and up to speed.
The three major Annapolis charity sailing races that comprise the qualifiers for the Triple Crown of Charity Sailing Award will...
In lieu of the Race to Oxford, NASS will host the Race to the Lighthouses September 12.
