Here’s your SpinSheet Racing Roundup for July 14-16: Waterspouts, scary nights, and summer fun.
When he bought his new boat, Bramble was told that he was purchasing an adventure-making machine, and that proved to be correct.
We've partnered with Weather Routing Inc. to bring you updated current charts for each day of the event. July 14 marks day one and SpinSheet night!
July 30 the Governor’s Cup will celebrate 90 years of racing log sailing canoes in the Miles River outside St. Michaels, MD.
It had been quite a long time since sailing a Sunfish, let alone racing one. A passerby remarked, "Don't worry. It's just like riding a bike." ~by Gary Jobson
Key West Race Week may not be happening in 2018, but don't let anyone tell you that sailing is dead. It's changing. ~Mary Ewenson
Here are the photos for the Eastport Yacht Club Boomerang Race.
Photos from the East of Maui and Eastport Yacht Club SUP Race off Annapolis Saturday, July 8.
Fred Kelly is so bullish on the improving status of the Severn that he believes within a decade it will be “fully restored.” by Angus Phillips
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