Warmer weather in February and March, meant Club members had a raft of events leading into an active April with the Change of Watch Ball coming up May 7.
Two long-time sailors have been elected to serve on the Miles River Yacht Club Foundation’s board of directors.
At the US Power Squadrons (USPS) Annual Meeting held recently in Orlando, FL, Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron took “Top Squadron” h
After a choppy, 30-minute ride from the dock behind the Annapolis Maritime Museum, the motor launch suddenly slows, the noise subsides, and the 18 passengers strain for a close-up view...
With one of the East Coast’s premier cruising destinations right in our front yard, isn’t it lovely to think of spending time relaxing and taking in some of the Chesapeake Bay this s
How Will Your Community Respond?
Congratulations to all CBYRA Junior High Point qualifiers and winners for the 2015 season. Photos by Mark Hergan
Sailing offshore can be the thrill of a lifetime, but boat preparations—well, not so exhilarating.
Whether you’re racing or cruising, putting together an offshore crew means finding sailors eager for a thrilling ride, some strenuous work, a little sleep deprivation, and the potent


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