Downwind starts make even the best tacticians nervous. Volumes have been written about proper technique, tactics, and strategy for upwind starts.
What angle should I sail at downwind in light air? It can be useful to divide sailing downwind into three modes: under 10 knots true, 10-14, and over 14.
It’s 9 a.m. and instead of working at my computer, I’m preparing to board a J/80 for about six hours of sail training. It’s sunny, hot, and breezy, as it has been all week.
With cooling temperatures and boats being put away for the winter, those of us who never want to go too long without a sailing (and warm weather) fix naturally start thinking about w
Fort Carroll is an abandoned 19th-century military installation in the Patapsco River.
On a springtime jaunt through the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas aboard our Stevens 47 Hurrah, we saved the best for last.
How often do you have to bend down so you don’t hit your head on a 60-foot catamaran?
Just in time for Halloween! Zombies. Something out of a science fiction novel, right? Well, for the black-fingered (Atlantic) mud crab, they must seem very real.
When Kent Narrows Sail and Power Squadron (KNSPS) member Lauren Monroe isn’t out on t


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