Sailing at night, all I could see of the real Haiti ahead of me was an imposing mountainous silhouette, jagged and threatening, inky black against the starlit sky.
As with many types of big undertakings, preparing to go offshore sailing sometimes seems as if it’s more difficult than the passage itself.
After recently surveying a Hunter 45 Deck Saloon sailboat, the findings were that the boat had aged remarkably well. ~By Tarn Kelsey
Dinghy racers and clubs explore ways to get out safely sailing and incorporate some lower-profile racing events at the local fleet level. ~By Kim Couranz
A dozen nuggets of wisdom for couples new to sailboat racing or perhaps trying to rekindle their racing love on the water.
The waterfront director of the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club was bitten by the sailing bug early and has made a living at it.
Few places offer the cruising sailor the diversity of on-water experiences combined with hundreds of picturesque villages as does the...
Looking at the latest innovations in electronics... I pay attention to those designed to help keep me out of the water, or if I do fall in, get me out of the drink sooner.
I am a mainsail trimmer and my skipper and I are always arguing about de-powering. Which should I be using, the traveler or the mainsheet?