To accompany Pamela Tenner Kellett's article "Sea Level Rise Is Coming Your Way: How Will Your Community Respond?" here are some resources:
“High Tide On Main Street: Rising Sea level and the Coming Coastal Crisis” by John Englander. If you missed the St. John's College lecture and are interested in the topic Englander’s book is as engaging and interesting as his talk. Also see and
Here's an interactive SLR and coastal flooding impact map by NOAA
Here's an interactive map of sea level trends by NOAA
Sea Level Change Curve Calculator (plus in the station nearest you and scroll down for probability of sea level rise)
Maryland DNR Community Resiliency Grants and Green Infrastructure Resiliency Grants are available on this page for communities to protect infrastructure from sea level rise.
Take the Weather it Together survey to help the City of Annapolis develop an action plan