The Maryland Natural Resources Police will join this weekend with the Coast Guard and other maritime law enforcement agencies for Operation Dry Water, a natio
The US Naval Academy's TP52 Constellation finished fourth over the line for the 2014 Newport-Bermuda Race, with Josh Forgacs at the helm and a whole crew of highly impressive Navy Of
Many things in life are unpredictable, sailing is no exception. Today, the morning started off being described "Anticipation builds, wind dies" by Jonathan Forsberg.
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Food always tastes better outsid
I think many of us struggle to describe our sport to non-sailors. I've heard stories of sailors coming home banged up bruised and exhausted. Their roommates, spouses, etc.
Shooting the Stars is the schooner Virginia's current program in which 11 high school students and 3 chaperons are aboard the schooner Virginia for a three week sail from Norfolk, VA
First of all, congratulations to the dashing crew of Paul Milo's J/122 Orion, who crossed the finish line just after seven a.m.


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