On Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces
Century Club: William Levitan
...around the Annapolis Anchorage on two days on Parklawn Sailling Association's Catalina 34 Pisces
on Parklawn Sailing Association's Vivace in Pirates Cove Race Club
on PSA's 34' Catalina PIsces
...on Parklawn Sailing Association's Pisces after several days on the hard for bottom sanding and painting.
...on Parklawn Sailing Association's Vivace in Pirates Cove Race Club
Parklawn Sailing Association's Pisces on the hard
moved Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina to the well for hauling and once on the hard started prepping the bottom for sanding and painting -- brushed the shaft and prop and put on new zincs.
on Lake of the Woods near Kenora, ON. 5 days on an 18' Crestliner powered by a 50 hp Yamaha.
on Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Summer Sun. Sailed out the West River around the middle Bay.