on Parklawn Sailing Association's Vivace in the Pirates Cove Race Club
Century Club: William Levitan
on 30' Goman Express Vivace with fellow club members
On Parklawn Sailing Association's Vivace in Pirates Cove Race Club.
on Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces. Route took us to Worton Creek, North Summit Marina on the C&D Canal, Lewes behind the inner breakwater, down the coast and around Cape Charles to Jackson Creek at Deltaville, through Tangier Island to Crisfield, through Smith Island to the lower Patuxent off the Naval Sir Station shoreline, and back to Galesville home port.
Sail from Galesville to Annapolis to view the Blue Angels demonstration on Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces.
Circumnavigated Poplar Island from the West River on Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces
On Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces
On West River with Pirate's Cove Race Club sailing Parklawn Sailing Association's 30' Goman Express Vivace.
Out of the West River on Parklawn Sailing Association's 34' Catalina Pisces.
On the West River with Pirate's Cove Race Club. On Parklawn Sailing Association's 30' Goman Express Vivace