Century Club: Jonathan Nepini

Monday, May 30, 2022
Number of days:
1 day

Went for an early morning cruise on the Barba Roja with my brother and his boyfriend. The wind was impossibly light, but we did manage to get a kite up and ghost along for a couple hours. After we put the sails away we took a quick lap under power up Mill Creek to see where Pursuit is docked. As we were returning to the dock the fittings on the raw water strainer failed and the engine lost cooling. Steve was thankfully able to MacGyver a quick fix to get the boat running again for this Wednesday.

Sunday, May 29, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • Beach view

Went to the beach at Snow Hill Park for the afternoon and got a quick paddle in down to Cole Creek. Probably about a mile round trip. Perfect beach weather.

Saturday, May 28, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

My twin brother was in town visiting for the weekend so we went on a nice long paddle around Mill Creek to do some exploring. We fought a bit of a headwind most of the way up the creek but had a nice time anyway. Did lots of boat watching in Solomons, saw some osprey, and got to take a little swim. A nice afternoon & a nice start to the holiday weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • The Laser fleet

Decided to help out with RC and enjoyed the best-attended smallboat race this year. Got to watch 10 boats on the line and some tight racing between five Lasers. Had a nice picnic dinner as well. A great relaxing evening.

(Photo courtesy of Steven Birchfield)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • A close start

SMSA Wednesday Night Race A-7. A good crew and a nice tight race this evening. Everyone worked well together and we really nailed all the details. A long course allowed for a fun spinnaker drag race against Elan, but unfortunately we couldn't quite keep pace for the last two legs and lost them by 50 seconds. Nice to see everything starting to come together at the end of the first Wednesday series.

Sunday, May 22, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

Went paddling with a couple friends and introduced one of them to paddling. He picked it up very quickly and had a great time. Launched at Forest Landing and paddled around some of the creeks & coves in that area. Did a little swimming too. A great way to relax for the afternoon. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • Close racing at the start
  • Making on a much faster boat just before the wind shut off

Couldn’t even call this race a drifter as I sat still or went backwards for a good amount of it. We got to try another light reaching spinnaker we inherited from a friend's J/33, and it turned out to be a great fit for the boat. The wind died right at the start and we managed to stitch a small line of wind up above the Solomons bridge, and then proceeded to float for 45 minutes making no progress. Had a very slow downwind leg to the windward mark, and a nice beat back. About 100 yards from the finish the wind shut off completely, I lost all my momentum & helm, and we floated for 10 mins until the wind filled back in. Only one boat in our class (A Melges 32) finished on time. A hot but nice day on the water, though a little long & frustrating at times.

(Photos & new reaching kite courtesy of Sean Brady)

Thursday, May 19, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • Today's route

Took a nice 5mi lap off Clarke’s Landing. Lots of breeze out of the creek meant I had a nice workout going out, and got to explore some coves I hadn’t been to in a while. Did a little boat watching as always and spotted a tired but cool little IOR racer and a very original Catalina 30 in need of significant repair. I found lots of underwater grasses close to shore and the  water was much cleaner than usual, so I’m hoping that’s a sign the Patuxent is getting healthier.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • The crew studying the spinnaker launch
  • First racing miles on the new-to-us mylar kite

SMSA Wednesday Night Series A-6. An interesting course and lots of action, including a late start, a close crossing and a marginal staysail leg. Our esteemed foredeck finally got back from his extended work trip to the desert so we gave him something to do by putting up both of our running kites for 2 different legs. Still working on getting some new crew up to speed. Took second & hoping for a strong finish next week to round out the series. A friend brought his J/33 out racing for the first time this season and managed a solid showing in non-spin class.

Sunday, May 15, 2022
Number of days:
1 day

Today's weather was a huge improvement over yesterday's rain and fog, so I decided to take advantage by going for a paddle at the Wharf. Paddled a nice 5-mile loop around Breton Bay, and spotted some beautiful boats and waterfront houses. Saw a pair of swans on my way back in. A great, relaxing afternoon!
