Checked power panel and solar system for oeration. Bilges dry and no chain plate leakages!
Century Club: Timothy Dull
On board to remove 2inches of snow from topsides and to run engine.
Onboard for engine run and heater adjustemnt for upcoming Winter storm.
Motor sailed down to Waterside prior to the gale on Friday morning, raced the 5k Saturday morning then had pot luck with HYC and BBSA on Saturday evening. Installed holiday lighting for Saturday lighting ceremonies. Had breakfast with the marina crowd Sunday morning then returned to NOB by 1230.
Chartered a CAT 310 for a crew traing trip to Yorktown for their 250 Tea Party celebration.
Raced against Gold team in Willoughby Bay. Came in 2nd of 8 boats with Lauren and Fran aboard. Picked up Trophy from season of racing and came in 1st in all three series.
Came in 5 of 7 ORC Performance Cruisers in an 18nm course around Thimble shoal Light and Middleground Light.
Raced with Willoughby Racers against team from Littlecreek, came in 3rd in NS Black fleet. Clubs tied but tie-breaker became Littlecreek with more 1st's.
Cruised the Bay from Norfolk to Roc Hall MD. Ports visited included Cape Charles, Deltaville, Solomons, Rock Hall, Tred Avon River, Solomons again, Crisfield and Salt Ponds in Hampton, Raced in a triathlon in Rock Hall and came down the Bay with old crewmembers in their Water Wings. 399nm and average speed of 5.3 kts.
Prepped for last race of Summer series but alas the winds had stirred up the Bay off Ocean View too much. So onlaoded gear for Fall Cruise of the Bay instead.