Pontoon Boat to Dockside with friends.
Century Club: AJ Batcheller
I wasn't planning on going out today because it was so hot, 98 degrees, but the wind looked decent so I went out for a quick sail that turned into over 3 hours. Other than being a bit hot it was a great afternoon sail to Colonial Beach.
Absolutely perfect wind and weather conditions for sail # 100 of the season. Sailed out to DM 1 on Mattox Creek then back to DM 11. It's a whole lot easier getting in 100 outings when you are retired than working part time.
Afternoon sail on Mattox Creek. Wind was a bit spotty but it was still fun.
After dinner sail on Mattox Creek
Took the grandkids out on the Kiwi Kruizer.
Sail from Mattox Creek to almost the Potomac
Afternoon sail around Mattox Creek
Took some good friends out on the Kiwi Kruiser to the Potomac, around Mattox Creek, and Monroe Bay.