Century Club: Tim Ford

Thursday, February 23, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • Nice to fine shade on a hot sunny day....in February.

No fish, which is fine.  A lot of boats out though.  I guess you can figure on that when it's in the mid-70s in February. Nice to exchange pleasantries with other boaters who shared the same sentiments.  Saw the SAR guys come into the creek in a RIB, I have no idea what they were doing and probably never will.  Maybe just practicing.  I'll never know and that's fine. It's such a nice day, why spoil it?





Thursday, February 16, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • fog bank in the river
  • end of the day soft light
  • out of the rain
  • sun pops out

End of a rainstorm but the light was amazing.  Bibs, a spray top and a hat and I stayed dry and comfy.  Great paddle thru rain, fog and very brief sunlight.


Saturday, February 11, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • money shot
  • capable boat
  • fierce rowing machine!
  • destination in a building breeze

We needed to get some intel on the new shoal pole in the Magothy (R "10").  e.g., How to affix a weather instrument on the new, leaner and meaner Day Beacons.  

But this involved a 2-mile row in one of Patrick's dories out to the mark.  Patrick is a machine on a set of oars.  Even when the breeze changed from a favorable 2-5 kn westerly to....OF COURSE...as soon as we got to open water,  10-14 kn southerasterly which was, naturally, just the exact direction we were heading, and with tons of fetch from the SE, putting up a nice little 1-2 foot chop,  Great....

But we got the data we needed including a quick, impromptu rope wrap around the pole to get an accurate read on the diameter (we barely touched the pole and put zero stress on it, during a lull and a flat spot in the chop). Mission accomplished. Thanks Patrick!


Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • spring temporarily here
  • trail to be explored later
  • end of the road for today

Man, what a great day. 

It was 64 in The 'Dena when I left for home.  Long 2.5 hour paddle all the way past Magothy "12" -- beyond that the breeze looked a little too demanding. 

But even though there was a Small Craft Advisory, there was very little breeze in the lee of the North shore, being protected from a rather gusty NW'erly.

Clear water and warm sunshine, oh yeah.....

Thursday, February 2, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • gonna need a bigger car
  • lost lure
  • Mars Attacks saucer clouds

Sorry to say, there's a 2-3 pound chain pickeral swimming around in the backwaters of Blackhole Creek with a small shad dart and white paddletail hanging from the back side of his mouth.  Pickerel's sharp teeth mean I MUST use a heavier leader. 

Otherwise a pretty day on the river.  And getting my 25 foot mast home, on top of my 15 foot car, went pretty well. 

Thursday, January 26, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • lunch spot
  • scale compared to the lure
  • carp scale

Sort of another Grondhog's Day with the partly cloudy skies & gale warning prediction.  But once again, the breeze was very moderate back in the creek.  I figured I'd take a rod and take a few casts.  I've had great luck with a shad dart/white paddletail combo.  Chain pickeral can't see to resist it this time of year and it should be fished deep (e.g., the channels of back-water creeks and coves).  I hooked a nice pickerel and got lucky as it shaked itself off right at the boat. 

Then things got real.  I was taking the last few casts before heading to a beach for lunch, when I felt the lure hit something. I figured I was hung up on a sunken log, but then the line started to move. I reeled in a little and took all the slack out of the line and HOLY CRAP, this is a fish and it's no grotty little chain pickerel. 

There was some serious weight on the line...what the heck could it be, this time of year?  It started towing the kayak!!! For about ten yards and then the line went slack.  DAMN! I really wanted to know what this was!  But I reeled in and got a clue.  On the hook was a what looked like a piece of plastic. On closer look, I saw it was one giant fish scale.  I guess when fishing deep, I must've foul-hooked a big ole carp.  Because to this is a carp scale, for certain.

I'm sorry for wounding you, Mr. (or Ms.) Carp, and I hope you heal up OK and survive.

Friday, January 20, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

VHF Wx Radio was playing up big breeze, and crossing the Key Bridge seemed to validate that perspective, but I don't think I saw more than 25 in the creek, which of course is pretty protected.  Pintails seem to have disappeared, but I did not venture out of the creek, so who knows.  Really beautiful day on the creek though!



Thursday, January 5, 2023
Number of days:
1 day
  • post sundown lighting
  • controlled crash brings mast down (no video thank god)
  • Meet the new mark
  • nice day for something

Ostensible purpose was to get my rig down and also attend a club meeting.  But I had heard that Magothy River R "10" was missing in action.  I put in a kayak and went out to see for myself, and sure 'nuff, it is gone and there's a new floating mark there now.  I hope it's temporary, because the club has been going through the motions of getting federal permission to put a small weather station on the shoal pole. 

Otherwise it was a fantastic day to paddle.  Calm, warm and the lighting this time of year is just stellar.  Saw more Pintails than Buffleheads for a change.

Sunday, January 1, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

PSA's Jan 1 hangover bowl - sailed completely in the creek in flukey and spotty breeze.  We saw way too many transoms but it was a blast and fantastic to get a sail in on Jan 1.



Thursday, December 29, 2022
Number of days:
1 day


Won't make 100 days this year, too many things went wrong.  I figure I lost an anticipated 25 or 30 days due to:

- retiring from Newport - Bermuda Race - 10 days lost, as I was slated to do the delivery back, too

- no Classic Yacht Races in Maine - 5 days easily

- Cancelation of Rock Hall, Gov Cup and one other CBYRA race - 7 days

- Getting COVID for 10 days - lost a few days due to staying in isolation.

That would have brought me up to 98 days and I would've found an excuse to bump that up to 100.  In any case, the 73 days were great, I don't think there's one that was abject misery, maybe the first 18 hours of N2B as I was seasick as heck, and throw in a little hypothermia.  

Today's paddle was absolutely brilliant though!
