Century Club: Tim Ford

Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • puff on
  • blackhawk up
  • daylight over early

Not our best night out and we were joking about a cookie (or something) wrapper that clung to our rudder all evening.  Speaking of evening, man it gets dark early these days.  I just never get used to the transition. 

Coming into the dock after the race was interesting.  A blackhawk was doing bump and runs on the heliport next door.  A blackhawk kicks up a LOT more breeze than the Bell Jet Rangers etc that usually come in for refueling or whatever.  So we had to circle around and wait for the helo to depart, albeit briefly because a minute later, they were back. Luckily we were already attached to the dock.  Fun night!


Saturday, September 10, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • DNA cloud in the process of replication
  • Bare Bones and Patriot VII early on

We were late starting due to the strong ebb flushing us down the bay, e.g., too early for the signal, so we had to bail and come back around the pin to get across the line.  But that put us in an OK spot to get the bow out and go to work against the faster boats in our class,  We stayed high (east) of most of the fleet due to a strong ebb coming out of Eastern Bay and that allowed us to lay all the marks easy while the rest of the fleet got pushed to leeward.  We collected line honors, which was nice, on the shortened course but lost 1st place on corrected time and fell to 2nd.



Thursday, September 8, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • four FS out for the evening
  • jury rigged tiller ext
  • needs some outhaul!
  • deploy paddle now

I was going to sail on one of the Flying Scotts, but was experimenting with getting my Main up on the i550...it has been a struggle, but I figured it out.  Simple adjustment of the initial feed.  So once up, I figured, well it's really light and sailing out to watch the Scotts and take a few pix for the website might be a better use of time.  Of course, something had to foul up and it was my complete failure to find my tiller extension which is a vital piece of gear on the i550 because there are times you'd better be hiking hard to weather.  Last night wasn't one of them, I think the most we saw was maybe 6 kn.  But in any case, decided to jury rig an extension by taping a paddle to the tiller. Worked!  Awkward as heck, but functional and in a way, sort of served to act as kind of an autohelm.

In case, pleasant enough sail, despite having to assist with a paddle (repurposed from the tiller) for the last 500 yards into the dock. 


Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • prerace lookin ugly
  • rainbow warriors
  • sunglasses on!
  • found a big hole at the mark and in the middle

Good to be back on BOXCAR and great that the RC got a race in, which looked a little dicey at 5:00 pm.  We had a little bit of everything, upwind, downwind (sometimes on the same leg) and breeze and calms and one attrocious hole that had everyone moving in ther Own Private Idaho except us in the middle.  Still managed a 2nd by going way left on the last leg, where the RC mercifully finished us, to which we owe a large THANKS!



Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • UV about to blast by our startboard hip
  • Tight spinn work - I mean REALLY tight
  • I think getting by HEYDAY put us in first for a minute or two until UV got us

It was honkin' when we first started getting the boat ready, but by race time it had laid down quite a bit.  I think it was 6-10 gusting 16 by the time we started - a pursuit race that got us off the line at 1824.20 hrs.  It was fun racing past the slower boats and by the last mark, I think we were in 3rd or 2nd..maybe first, but UV rounded and hooked into some breeze over on the south side and blasted by us to starboard...we hung on to 2nd despite some less-than-perfect transition work...let's just say we had shrimp for dinner. 

But these late summer evenings are gorgeous, in spite of the sunset arriving at 7:37 pm last night.  Sheesh.




Thursday, August 25, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • new homemade composite batten
  • flat calm in the cove
  • ugh...gasoline and noise

Went down to PSA to see if the homemade batten fit (fir strip with layer of biax tape on each side) and go for a sail and maybe join the Thursday Night Flying Scott folks for some casual racing. 

Excpet: there was no wind once a big blob of convection went by to the northwest.  So I used the flat calm to put an hour on the outboard.  It had been sitting for a few months unused, and we all know what that portends with ETOH mix petrol.  So we went for a motorboat ride. Not my first choice, for sure, but pleasant enough.



Friday, August 19, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • there's an eagle in this shot, somewhere
  • very noisy young osprey cussing out the great blue
  • found a b-ball, but no hoops and no nets

I need to fabricate a new batten for my flat-top main, but like a real dummy I forgot to measure the batten pocket so I needed a quick trip to the boat equiped with tape measure. Once there and done, I figured, "what the hell, I may as well do a quick paddle."

It was nice to actually JUST paddle, no fishing rod, no VHF, no nothin, just some drinking water as it was hot.  But the birds were out for sure.  Lots of juvenile osprey, a cute little cattle egret that let me get super close, the obligatory Great Blue and way back in the creek, a Ball Diggle.  Enormous wingspan.

Nice day and happy to get to paddle for an hour or two,



Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • About 25 minutes before our start
  • Looks ominous, but I don't think we saw a puff above 14 all night

Never thought we'd get a race off!  Thunderstorms all over the place and rumbling along in a weird direction, SSW.  This one looked like it would hit us just as the gun went off, but surpsingly, it passed by to the west.  Major props to the RC boat, HEYDAY.  It was impossible to predict the wind direction, but we got in a sort of W/L, even though the order was reversed. 

Fun night, full of surprises!

Friday, August 12, 2022
Number of days:
1 day

Got a chance to take a Friday afternoon sail out of Jones Creek with two blokes I've sailed with since the late 80's.  We practiced a spontaneous Hat Overboard drill, along with a simultaneous Shoe Overboard drill.  We got the shoe, which had surprising buoyancy but struck out on the hat. 

It's always nice to reconnect with old friends, but to be able to that on a great little Carl Alberg boat on a gorgeous weekday afternoon with decent and sometimes gusty westerly was just plain great.  Thanks Garry and Roger!



Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Number of days:
1 day
  • new boards
  • yet another beautiful summer evening on the Mag.

Boatwork: got new hatch boards installed

WNR:  a few glitches, was OCS (were we, really?) and punched a tear in the foot of the genoa on a weird hoist where it got wrapped around the bow light! First time in 25+ years that this has happened on Inc. 
