Chasing cat paws of wind on the river today! I was the only one on the water except for a water taxi. Brilliant blue sky and autumn sun glinting on the water and not to chilly.
Chasing cat paws of wind on the river today! I was the only one on the water except for a water taxi. Brilliant blue sky and autumn sun glinting on the water and not to chilly.
Last weekend's race had 18 knot northwest breeze but today it was a fickle, southwesterly 5 knot breeze that often faded especially when powerboat wake was most intense.
We lost the race in the last 100 yards to an Alerion Express 28 whom I should have covered after the (almost) wind-less leeward mark. Lesson learned. Homemade gumbo graced the Post-race dock party as participants mingled and swapped stories.
Bill Porter and I took his Alerion Express 28 out after changing down from a Genoa to a jib. After about 90 minutes the breeze faded completely. Warm, sunny but not windy weather!
Beautiful day on the Potomac. Northwest 12-15 knot breeze with gusts up to 28 knots. Raced with both a reefed main and reacher and consistently hit speeds just over eight knots.
Beautiful day so I took Arcas for afternoon sail. Shifty, light breezes but I managed to get around. Saw a few other sailboats on the water. Relaxing.
Drizzly morning that changed to brilliant sunshine after the front moved through. A 12-15 knot NE breeze sent us down to Mt Vernon and back in less than 90 minutes under a reefed main.
We were the only boat to show up and race which made for a leisurely cruise!
Chilly and grey evening with a steady 6 knot NE breeze. Looked like rain but barely a drizzle early in the race.