Century Club: Jeffrey Halpern

Saturday, July 13, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • River raft on the trailer
  • Rapids
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

I am visiting my stepsisters and stepbrother in Sun Valley, Idaho.  My step-nephew was a river guide before starting his career. He owns his own raft and took Barbara and I out rafting with his girlfriend and father.

The 'rafts'  look like specialized versions of an inflatable dinghy.  The rafts have removable rigid internal framing that keeps the gear and row locks in place.

Navigating the river is a matter of dodging boulders while being propelled by the current at roughly 3 knots. The river is in the high desert and winds through a gorge bordered with sharply sloping faces of rock cliffs and pine and fir treed hills elsewhere.  


Thursday, July 4, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

All week the weather forecasts for the Fourth of July looked awful.  But when I awoke and looked out at the creek,  the conditions looked perfect.  Instead of the doom and gloom of a processional of one thunder storm followed by the next, demarcked only by windless, leaden-skied pauses in the maelstrom, there were clear cloudless skies and steady breezes.  There was a unanimous agreement among the online weather oracles that it was a mandatory sailing day.....writ large. 

After a leisurely breakfast as is only befitting on such a glorious holiday morning, and a rapid prep to get underway, we were off on a delightful daysail. I was blessed by my wife Barbara's company.  Barbara describes herself as a 'fair weather sailor'. She classifies a fair weather sailor as a person who prefers to sail on on perfect sailing days. In her mind, she means that she only prefers to sail when the expected winds, and air temperatures are predicted to be perfect, but the weather forecasters always lie. 

She comes to that preference honestly after years of sailing with her husband, (that would be me) who thinks any day when you can return to the dock alive is a perfect sailing day.  

But today was a perfect sailing day for both of us.  

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Saturday was supposed to be CHESSS's annual; "Gather and Gab" raft-up and membership get together. But earlier in the week, the weather predictions looked awful and few of the 'Usual Suspects' had signed up for the event. Taking a hint, the board cancelled the event. By Friday afternoon, the predictions had shifted so that Saturday was looking like a sporty but lovely sailing day. And sure enough it was. 

After a quick email exchange, the members who had signed up to attend convened for a lively sail on Synergy. There were decent winds mostly in the low teens with a few gusts creeping into the higher teens. The sail was enlivened by thoughtful conversations on the current state of shorthanded sailing, why single handing is big in Europe and San Francisco and not so much on the Bay, current trends in yacht design, current cruising preferences towards all of the comforts of home, and other aspects of the meaning of life. 

The itinerary consisted of a rapid beat down to Thomas Point Light, a fast broad reach back toward Tolley Point, a speedy trip up the mouth of the Severn River, an expeditious pass through the harbor, a fleet-footed passage back home and an engine-less docking from whence we had departed.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Okay, so the start was did not go as planned. We had planned to go right almost immediately off the line with the goal of getting to better winds, and less current. Instead we were in the second row, stuck on straboard, pinned to the left of a major gaggle of other boats. But eventually we found a lane to tack that did not require taking the transom of a half dozen boats. 

That was a good call as we made out getting lifted and powered up near Bembe Beach and rounded as the second or third boat. Cool! It was a pleasant cliose reach to the next mark. Not our best, not our worst. tacked inshore as soon as we could and that paid off big time. Nailed it. Putting us back on the tail of the first boat around. 

The trip back toward town was a sleigh ride. I only widh we could have planned in the bigger gusts like the lighter boats were doing. The trip through the harbor was a good one giving us one of our best finishes of the summer. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

This was my first sailing day as an officially apperoved CRAB (Chesapeake Regional Acessibility Boating) skipper. Three separate sailing sessions were scheduled for the day, but each session was kept pretty short for the sake of the crew. The guests for the day were all people with some degree of diminished mental capabilities and on two sails they were with their caretakers. 

It was a bit of a new challenge for me. The sailing part comes natural to me, but I am still learning how to communicate and connect with folks that have various types of challenges of their own. No matter what kind of sailing I am doing, like most sailors, a skipper, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to keep all on board safe and comfortable. In this new setting, I find myself doubly intently focused on those responsibilities. With the limited communication capabilities, the high heat, and powerboat wakes, the comfort issue was especially tricky to monitor. The good news is that CRAB has a great group of staff and volunteers and the gentle input was very helpful.  

All in all, I saw the day as being a good learning experience that served as a humbling reminder that I still have more to learn.  .

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

It was perfect weather for a weekday race. The temps and breezes were just about ideal. We were rapidly approaching the longest day of the year which meant that the race committee could send us out on a long course and expect us home for happy hour. 

It seemed like we nailed the start, and had some great legs. The crew work has steadily been improving. We really nailed the trip through the harbor. But when the results were posted, we ended up mid pack. 

Given all of the above, there was (almost) absolutely nothing to complain about.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Not that kind of crabbing. I did another volunteer sail with CRAB,. (Chesapeake Regional Accessible Boating). This trip was my last skipper-in-training check-out sail. I have now passed and will become officially designated as a skipper. The 'guests' on this trip had prior sailing experience and seemed to really enjoy just being out there. One of the guests was a retired naval architect and he did a great job on the helm. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

So it was supposed to be a Wednesday Night Race night, but the skipper was off cruising. That would have been okay but he took the boat with him. His boat- His rules- No race. Which was fine. 

I have had Synergy disassembled doing the compliance updates recommended on the Insurance Survey. It’s been a lot of work and a lot of stuff, but I have been making steady progress. The plan was to simply continue with the list of tasks. It’s a bit like the old joke, "How do you eat an elephant?" ....One bite at a time.

So having completed another bite, I started to knock off and walk up to the house, but as I got up in the cockpit, it struck me that it was a lovely evening and I needed to sit in the cockpit and simply enjoy the view. I thought it would be a solitary experience but as I sat there I realized that I had visitors. 

A couple Mallards stopped by to chat amongst themselves. An osprey wheeled overhead and buzzed the boat on the way to dinner. A parade of great herons flew past one at a time, squawking as they winged their way towards a not very secret rendezvous near Cantlers. They were eyed wearily by a night heron paroling the shallow beach where the bluff meets the cove, On the other hand, The herons were cheered on by a small cluster of barn sparrows swooping in for the gossip session of the day and to leave souvenirs of their on my foredeck below the lifelines on which they gathered. 

Suddenly my solitude became crowded, but in a good way.....

Saturday, June 8, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Dan Bache Cup

Saturday was a lovely day on the water. I had volunteered as crew racing in CRAB's Don Backe Cup.

This is a series of races where people with physical limitations get to be the helmsmen in a series of races. I must admit that the day was gusty and not the easiest day to be racing, and a really tough day for someone with limited mobility to be a helmsman. But it was good racing and a lot of fun. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

It was supposed to be another AYC Wednesday Night Racing evening, but racing was cancelled.

Back home, I started working my way through the punchlist from the survey on Synergy.

At some point, I wandered on deck to do something, the rain had stopped and the sun was now lowered, intensely under-lighting sharp edges of the darkened cloud cover and spot lighting the tops of the trees on the eastern shore of the creek. The scen stopped me in my tracks and made me forget whatever it was that brought me on deck in the first place, instead reminding me why I own a boat and the joys of being on the water,  as I midlessly sat down near the bow and watched the dimming sky and trees turn reluctantly to night. 
