In case you thought a leisurely, month-long sail from Norfolk to Annapolis in Chesapeake summer sounds like fun, let’s examine Exhibit A: Matt Rutherford, who spent 30 days doing jus
From the Baltimore Sun: If September's Star-Spangled Spectac
A cruising sailor tells how using paddleboards and kayaks has greatly enhanced her experience, allowing her to explore new areas inaccessible to even outboard dinghies.
You might have guessed by his photos: SpinSheet photographer Al Schreitmueller DIGS log canoes. Here's his recap of the 2014 racing season from the November issue...
Visitors and citizens of the Maritime Republic of Eastport know it's coming soon... 10 DAY COUNTDOWN!...
Why not join the rest of us crazies on a cold, dark, maybe windy, maybe snowy, or maybe even delightful night and hear the cheers from the crowd as you turn around City Dock in Annap
