Clutch shifter failed at the pedestal just past Sparrows Point. Luckily it failed in/to forward (shortest cable span) so we took top off pedestal and found that the the cable clevis had failed at the threaded attatchment point. It had been under no particular strain or pressure when it sheared off so we think maybe it was age related or some latent defect. The cables for both the clutch and the throttle are bolted to the front of the pedestal but we didn't want to take the whole assembly apart (risking ability to stay in fwd or f/u steering chain) to hack something together so turned around and motored back to DSC and docked on the T-head. Such super low wind once there we were able to walk it around to the proper slip anyway. Bummer, but also crew was cool and skipper managed everything super well. Could have been loads worse.
Century Club: Rebekah B
Out and around Fr Carroll in Akimbo. Fished snapped out haul line back through with duct tape.
A.M. volunteer crew on accessibility sailing on a sonar. Was on the tiller most of the morning and got to dock twice.
Afternoon sail out to the FSK buoy (almost to the bridge) on a sweet little cruiser. (com-pac 27?) Nice breeze all the way up and good downwind speed back. Great day. Really need to carry more sunscreen or wear pants or something though.
Did quick stop POB and fig 8, and also just some really awesome fun sailing. Particularly excellent breeze and weather.
Helped out on Bristol 33 to set course, etc. Also towed a couple J22's back.
Was so busy doing stuff I forgot to get even a single pic. Did POBs, heave-to's, safety position, docking, replaced the Cunningham, untangled jib sheets under wind (remember to leave ends cleated even when letting loose for drills!), etc, etc.
Sailing is a sport! Phew.
Got to go out twice today! On Sun and Akimbo.