Century Club: Richard Turman

Friday, November 24, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

On the day after Thanksgiving, it got up to abour 53 degrees, so I went out with my brother and sister-in-law and her sister.  Breeze was 8-13 from the north, so was good to have four bodies on the up side.  Nice 5.2 speed upwind, main and jib.  Then returned the ladies and switched, so I was driving and my brother was crewing.  I wasn't quite as warm as when I was working, but warm enough.  Great 3 hours out!

Friday, November 17, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Couldn't get off the zooms early enough on a Friday afternoon, so spent 40 minutes on a beautiful kayak ride up near the headwaters of Valentine Creek.  Saw 4 heron -- or two heron in 4 places, I'm not sure.



Thursday, November 16, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

With the days so short, it is hard to get out before it gets dark at 5 pm, but I went out from 3:30-5:00 and had a beautiful solo sail.

Saturday, November 11, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Had a cousin in from Alaska and his son in from Seattle, and had a beautiful afternoon out on Round Bay.  7-10 knots of breeze from the south worked great, and the temperature stayed right around 60.  Beautiful!~

Monday, November 6, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

A neighbor of mine had never been on a sailboat, so I just had to take two hours off late this afternoon and take her out on Lark, which she thoroughly enjoyed.  7-9 knots of breeze was a great way for her to see that she could go upwind at 4.5-5 knots, and get the telltales parallel -- which she did remarkably quickly.  Fun late afternoon on the first fill day of regular savings time, with a gorgeous sunset from the dock to greet our arrival.

Sunday, November 5, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Joined a friend and his family and some of his crew on his 46 foot cruising sailboat and had a beautiful day out on the Bay in 4-7 knots of wind, which after we motored down the Severan to Annapolis, was enough to get us up and under the Bay Bridge and back to Annapolis.  Several races out, which was great to see -- frostbiting in Annapolis as well as Navy 44's out in the Bay.  Beautiful!

Sunday, October 29, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

72 degrees at 4:30 pm means it is time to go sailing.  Wind from the E in the 7 knots with gusts to 13 apparent was great fun to get moving out there by myself.  

Saturday, October 28, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Fabulous day, 85 degrees in late October, and wonderful location to spend my 100th day on the water this year, on the SS Meerwald participating in the Parade of Sail at Chestertown, MD, including the Pride of Baltimore, the Lynx, the Maryland Dove, the Sigsbee, the Virginia, the Kalmar Nyckle, and the Sultana.  Spectacular day for sailing and appreciating Tall Ships.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

With the racing season over, we have to bring in the 7 race marks we use all season so they can be cleaned and repaired and kept from being run over.  Met at the dock at 10 and was picked up by a past Commodore and the current Commodore and spent the next 2 hours pulling the dirty barnacle-covered marks out of the water, and then pulling in their mud-covered anchors, which are now mostly concrete blocks.  Fun times!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Number of days:
1 day

Left the dock at 5:30 in 64 degree weather, and found robust wind -- 12-14 apparent -- and had a nice upwind romp up Round Bay to Sherwood Forest.  Started at Race Mark E and drove to B, then went over to D, and then across to N and home.  Sun went down but had a nice ghosting ride at 2 knots all the way into the slip.  Beautiful to sail in late October!
