Century Club: Richard Turman

Friday, September 20, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Had hoped to finish work early enough to go sailing, but it was not to be.  So took the powerboat out, starting right after sunset.  Took a great joyride around Round Bay!

Sunday, September 15, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Was sitting on our deck recovering from a cold and reading the paper on a nice Sunday afternoon, and heard two 8-10 year old kids splashing around in the water.  Looked out and saw them trying to swim and pull their over-turned kayak toward the mouth of Valentine Creek.  

Got in my own 12' kayak and had them grab the handle on the stern and pulled them around the corner to the entry to Valentine off of the Severn River.  

Kids were appreciative and in good spirits, but clearly tiring from their hard, hard work.  Parents were oblivious; pulled up to neighboring dock, and yelled for parents to come over and get their kids.  They finally understood what needed to happen, but I remained shocked that the kids were way out of sight of their parents and had their vessel capsize, and they were left to fend for themselves.  Good thing they had pfd's on.  And I was able to help them out.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

5 knots from the S.  Was first in our fleet to the windward mark, but had a devil of a time getting across the finish line, going higher than some boats that had wind, and lower than some other boats that had wind.  Frustrating, and came out 7th out of 13.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Did pretty well on an 8knot wind night, placing 4th out of 12, only behind the Johnson 18's and the Catalina 27.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Left the dock about 7:15, sunset was 7:30, and I returned at 9. South wind in the 6-7 knot range to start, dropping to 4.  All the powerboats have gone home after Labor Day, leaving me out there with just the ducks and geese.  And the sunset.  Actually wore long pants for the first time since May!

Sunday, September 1, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Had found some weeks back that the base for the sternlight on my powerboat no longer had two pins -- only showing one.  Finally made it to West Marine last week and bought a replacement base and spent an hour installing it.  Most of the time was going back and forth on the dock to the house to get the right tool (and to try to find one that had walked off to our daughter's home in DC).  Finally got it sorted and the old light plugged in easily and it worked.  Then went out for a wonderful afternoon put-put through the neighborhood, ending up at the marina to get a fill up.  18 gallons at $$.69/gallon didn't actually seem all that bad.

Saturday, August 31, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Had a glorious 2 hours out with my sister in wind ranging from 7-12 knots from the South, in 83 degree weather.  Wonderful conditions, and had a great time!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Very light winds posponed the race by 50 minutes, but the wind finally filled in from the South, giving us 5-8 knots.  Left N and went close-hauled straight to mark D, at which the breeze dropped to 2 knots.  Launched the spin and after a few minutes of not moving much, managed to get moving.  Course was a beam reach and the wind then moved in front of the beam, so it wasn't ideal for the spin, but we made it work.  Scored 6th out of 12.  Not great, but not horrible.

Saturday, August 24, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Fine afternoon

Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Had a fantastic race.  Started on port at the pin, and had a great upwind run from N to A.  Got the spin up easily and had a good run back to N.  Stayed right in front of a 46' boat behind us all the way to B, and then smoked them on the final downwind to the finish.  Came in 3rd out of 11, only behind the two 18' skiffs.  A great night and great race!
