Century Club: Richard Turman

Saturday, August 17, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Joined a team of 9 other sailors on a friend's 46 footer, in part because I couldn't get enough crew to race Lark.  Wind was 13-18 kniots on the way down, with 3' seas, so in some ways I was relieved to be on a big boat that didn't need to reef.  Had a great race, and won our class.

Friday, August 16, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Took Lark out for a spiritied sail after work -- 13 knots.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Difficult evening.  only 3 of us when there are usually 4.  Light breeze from the SW, so course was from D to N and back.  We had a great start and led the fleet when we got to the upwind turning mark, and then we had a spin snafu, then the wind died in pockets, and we chose the wrong pockets to guess it re-appear in.  And guessed wrong.  Ended up 9th out of 11.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Hadn't been on the powerboat for weeks, so took her out for a ride.  Thought the gas dock was still open past 7, but found that was no longer the case this late in the season.

Monday, August 12, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Nothing like kayaking in the evening. Went out at 8, right after sunset.  No boats out; just me and the geese.  Lovely. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

My daughter brought a friend over to go boating, and after they went and anchored out in the powerboat, we put the main and jib on and had a great time out on Round Bay.  Breeze was 7-13 knots true, so I was happy to have just the jib on, to keep it fun but not scary.  

Sunday, August 4, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Went out 3-5 with a neighbor and had a grand time. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Finally got both of the battery chargers (house, electric engine) replaced (at my own expense) after they both got fried due to a power surge fixed, so it was fantastic to be able to go sailing with a full charge on the engine.  Also replaced a block on on the spin pole (a Harken 57 block that shouldn't have broken...) with one that I'd taken out of the mainsheet system since it didn't have a ratchet.  Then the main event was attaching a new spreader tip, since the port one came out on Wednesday night -- the genoa seemed to catch on it and down it came.  Took Lark out of her slip and turned her around so the port side was against the dock.  Then made sure we were at lowest tide.  Then took the 8' ladder iI've got, and set it on the dock (see photo).  Then took main halyard and attached it to the dock to try to lean the boat over a bit, to make the spreader tip easier to reach from the ladder.  My brother held the ladder as I went up to the second to the top step and took off the remaining sail tape and after loosening the shroud, put in the new spreader tip (I had one extra from last year) and then taped it up.  Then drilled a hole through the tip and the spreader and put a bolt through, as we'd done before -- though it looked like the old one may not have been placed right.  Then taped the heck out of it.  And then came down and tightened the shroud right back up.  And then came into cool off, since it was 95 degrees and humid in the mid-day sun.  Then took my sister in law out for a great ride in 8 knots of steady breeze.  Great to have everything working again1

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Unlike last week, where we got soaked and they also abandoned the race partway through, this time we had some sprinkles and saw some far away thunder and lightning, but we had a fine race and sunset and pizza night.  Felt great to be out!

Rafted up at the dock with a Bavaria '46, Benetaue First 27', and a Tartan 245.  What a size difference!

Since we had only limited battery power in the Torqueedo, unrolled the genoa to sail home.  Mistake.  Got too close to the Red channel marker on the way home and ran aground!  Was helpfully pulled off by another racer in the fleet, who was also luckily headed home.  Thanks again, guys!



Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Weather was threatening thunderstorm, but took kayak out for the first time in a month, heading toward pinkish clouds at 8 pm.  Only ducks and heron to disturb; no boats out.  Beautiful night.  And rain held off until I got back and put everythhing away.  
