Not fun
Century Club: Hank Messick
After the last Screwpile race we dropped off the crew, Tom, Greg and me headed to Colton Point. Winds were up to 18 knots on the Bay as we motor sailed south to Point Lookout and the mouth of the Potomac. Beautiful moonrise as we headed north on the Potomac with the wind abating to 7 knotss from the south. The return trip took about nine hours.
Mixed weather: five races over three days. Day two, winds a steady 15 knot with 2-3 foot waves. raced on Moovin, an Olsen 28.
Dana, Sara, Bill, Brenda and myself anchored off Old Town Alexandria for it 275th Birthday Celebration. Lovely weather, snacks, drinks and good company made for a memorable evening. Fireworks were delightful.
Bloodly hot evening to race! There was a 6 to 8 knot southerly breeze with temperatures in the mid 90s and heat index over a 100. Beautiful sunset.
Dave, Paul and I shoved off at 7P. Temperature was in the mid-90s and humid but the the steady 5 to 8 knot southwesterly made it tolerable. We sailed south of the WW Bridge down to red 86 off Broad Creek. A "City Tours" cruise boat shadowed us for awhile and eventually turn toward National Harbor. When returning we passed through WW Bridge under sail but after that the wind began to fade and motored back to the slip. A relaxing evening.
Dave, Paul, Brandon, Carey, Josh, and me. Great start, but fell behind with a muffed spin hoist after round windward mark.
Got to the marina early but only 45 minutes before low tide. Usually that means I'll ground along a 200 foot section of the channel leading to the river. The breeze however, was from the south keeping the water level a little higher and the transducer depth at the slip indicated I would avoid getting stuck. Fingers cross I motored into the channel.
Spent a few hours sailing mostly in the no wake zone off Old Town. Practised reefing the main as the breeze kick up to 10 knots and cross decked the sheet so I could trim and helm from the high side. A few powerboats passed through my area and only one sailboat emerged from WSM as I returned. A relaxing solo sail.