Century Club: Hank Messick
A rare beam reach evening with 6 to 8 knot breeze. Good start but can't keep up with the S2 7.9s, J24s, and an Albin 30 even though out PHRF is lower.
We moved a friend 36' river boat northward to her final birth on Swan Creek on the Potomac River. We planned for a five day passage but after the first day we stopped at Horn Harbor to have the engine examined. We think dirty fuel. The boat had been little used over the past year.
Beautiful weather and a spectacular 2AM lightning storm last night.
North Course with a downwind start
Five knot or less from the southeast. During the 2nd race we had current assisting the downwind leg. We were dead last for all three races.
We were RC. NW breeze around 9 knots gusting higher.
Dave, Paul, Carey and me spent the afternoon doing spin hoists/douses in 5 knots of wind on a cloudy day. Tried wing-on-wing with the spin but the breeze dropped so we couldn't determine how effective the technique could be.