First time out since December. Lots of diving ducks.
Century Club: Greg Brennan
Did the long route this morning. Saw a few hundred ducks flying over what is not yet all golf course at Greenbury Point.
Turned out of Back Creek into 13-16kts and short chop coming right from the Naval Academy bridge that I was headed towards. I made it through the few remaining boats anchored off Horn Point then turned around and surfed back to the beach,
Low wind and lovely rollers
I will not dignify said yacht with a photo
Lots of boats in the anchorage off of Horn Point.
A <<large>> vessel blew his horn so I would get out of his way as he headed from the harbor to the Severn channel. I totally forgot about the "larger net income rule" in COLREGS, silly me. Or maybe it was the "I have an existing GPS course" rule.
Smooth and calm, threading my way through all the anchored boats awaiting the boat shows.
I had extra time and energy this morning so I kept going to Red Four, one of the outermost markers at the mouth of the Severn.
As has been happening the hairiest part of the row was getting out of Back Creek. Coming home on the last leg there was some pretty good surfing.
I started out using my usual bearing this morning and almost ended up at the Naval Academy. The tide was supposedly low at 5:39 this morning but it was nearly to the deck of the AMM dock despite that. Very short chop but as usual Sophie could care less.
Lovely temperature,wind,waves, and sunrise this morning. I've added another buoy to my route so it's A, SC, 9, 8, 7, 6, and now 5 out where you can see the Bay Bridge.