Century Club: Greg Brennan

Thursday, April 4, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Lovely morning, though still cold-fingers-season. Seagulls and Ospreys overhead, including one carrying nesting material towards Greenbury point. Ducks flying down close to the water and a few mallards hanging out by the grasses at the Maritime Museum.

Saturday, March 30, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Still a wee bit cold but manageable this morning. Still the osprey standing watvch on the Horn Point marker, seaguls and herons overhead, and the odd duck (or perhaps grebe) diving for food.

Saturday, March 30, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

PEG WALLACE is the draketail buy boat on display behind the stage at Annapolis Maritime Museum's Second Street campus. She is named after the founder of the museum.

Saturday morning I deployed two new jackstands to slowly raise the aft end until the waterline is in line with the waterline of the rest of the boat. I then dug out a couple of areas of rot and pulled trash out of the boat.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Tide was super high at the Maritime Museum what with the wind blowing straight from the Bay Bridge up Back Creek. Might seen a seagull, oh, and I did see an Osprey on the Horn Point marker. 

It was blowing 13-15 so I intended to go up the creek but once I got out in the channel Sophie thought it'd be okay to go visit the buoys in the Severn. She did fine in the waves although we did once ship a tablespoon of water over the transom. A YP did sortie while I was out there but after I was past their channel.

I made good time, almost 3 kts, even with the wind and waves out there. Did a good job estimating the drift and set as you can see in the course map.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Very cool, breezy, and slightly shorter than normal. Somebody was fooling with the signal tones on the YPs, making random toots. Also the construction crew over at the YP basin has a spotlight shining straight out from the entryway. So with weird audible signals and no way so actually see if a YP was about to leave, I decided to turn early and stay out of their usual path across the Severn to the Academy.

I might have seen a seagull but for the most part it was too inclement for only the stupidest of marine creatures such as myself.

Saturday, March 16, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Courtesy of Michael Jewell

I couldn't help but put Sophie in the water on this beautiful day. Note first and second human passengers ever on Sophie.

Thursday, March 14, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

As close to perfectly calm as I've ever experienced on the Severn. Lots of geese noise as well as passing seagulls and ospreys.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Number of days:
1 day
  • Pilot boat returning to Back Creek
  • The towers, just before sunrise
  • Just before sunrise
  • First Osprey of 2024!

Sort of calm, but the wind was aligned perfectly with the upper Severn so over near the Academy it got unexpectedly sporty where it was dead flat over by Horn Point.

The same rafts of diving ducks and the odd seagull overhead. Back on land I heard then spied the first osprey I've noted this year. I got a picture but it just a dot up in the sky.

I also got a picture of the pilot boat coming back from Annapolis Roads but it is not very discernable in the pic.

Thursday, March 7, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

Calm with light winds and a ripping ebb tide this morning. There were seagulls overhead and many rafts of little diving ducks.

Sunday, March 3, 2024
Number of days:
1 day

It was a beautiful sunrise, clear, in the mid-forties with no breeze and an ebb tide. A couple of geese flew by and I could hear raccoons squabbling on the shore near Horn Point as I rowed out of Eastport. 

I noticed there were some YPs missing from their basin and later on I spied them coming home from the Bay.

