Lovely flat seas and no YPs. The ospreys and cormorants were out in force and I saw one jellyfish, one sailboat, and one fishing vessel. Also clear water, estimated secchi depth 2.5'.
Century Club: Greg Brennan
A wee bit cool but no wind and some glass smooth rollers from Kent Island. This was Finley's first time out of the creek.
The wind was said to be low according to the cbibs buoy but kicked up five knots as I put the boat in. There were blanket clouds and a few white caps outside of the lee of greenbury point. I thought I got out early enough to miss the yps but they had the same idea.
There was a bit of a blow this morning. Rowed up Back Creek and visited the migrating Canada Geese hanging back there.
Picture perfect day. The water was a little warmer than the air and the tide was on a slight flood. The recent rains hadn't deterred the Lions Mane jellyfish. There was an osprey couple carrying branches the Back Creek #5. The YPs were making a lot of squacking but nobody sortied over me as I made for the yellow "A" buoy.
Dodging showers and the YPs this morning I got to do my full route. Saw a bit more of the Osprey. Gentle flood, mostly cloudy and very little wind.
Ebb tide and cold but with very light wind and plenty of sun. Saw an Osprey land on a marker and again had to chop a corner off my route to miss a YP.
Pretty calm, partly sunny, and mild flood tide with manageable rollers coming from Kent Island. Finley and I rowed around Horn Point to Spa Creek and back again. Still plenty of winter jellyfish.
I had to abort before Horn Point marker this morning. Given the breeze and air temperature and my aching fingers I decided there was a frostbite risk.
There were several large VS of honkers crossing southward over the Severn.
I usually post this when I get home but it is quite pleasant floating here in the lee of Horn Point marina.
Well the cbibs buoy was not updated this morning so it was windier than expected - 20 kts at Thomas Point light - and I went up the creek.