The school set up match races. So much fun! Eloise and Mark did great on the tiller and the jib. We got called in due to lightning but I look forward to match races again sometime.
Century Club: Mario Santana
Went out to watch the junior regatta at Hampton Yacht Club on a breezy day with the kids all the way out on their traps.
Took the Tartan out with some friends, flew the kite, went real fast.
Then crewed on the J100 Specific Gravity, a beautiful boat owned by the Vines who skippered and trimmed the main. Vicky worked the last and bow, I worked the pit, and Stefan played utility and jib. I learned a ton and look forward to doing it again soon!
Took a rainbow out to see the KidShip and Chessie fleets practice. Then I coached a boat load of newbies who signed up through Peake Social - so much fun!
Quick spur of the moment out-and-back after dropping off C at KidShip Hobie camp, with a buddy who was also dropping off at KidShip.
Father's Day race out to the bridge. Paul and (dammit I'm probably misremembering his wife's name) Nancy were outstanding shipmates. She did this thing where she sat on the leeward bow and held the jib sheets such that she functioned as a combination jib car and whisker pole. A little experimentation showed that this move gave us an extra knot or so of speed - quite possibly the reason we won the race, in spite of a terrible start by me and in spite of us being in the white knockabaout.
(Also helped that Ben, who was ahead of us for half of the race, let his kids play with the sails. Worth it, I would have done the same.)
(Also also, it helped that I used the iNavX app to plot my true cog toward the marks. On long legs like these, that can make a big difference.)
G got a bunch of tiller time on a boat that he enjoys much more than the rainbows. With a little more practice we should be able to get it rigged, ready, and on the water more quickly.
Dropped the youngest off at KidShip, the oldest at Chessies practice, and then hopped on a Rainbow for a few solo hours. Enjoyed a steady breeze, caught up on podcasts, and did a bunch of tack, jibe, and rounding practice. It takes fewer reps for me to feel "warmed up" so I think that's good. I should practice starts, though.
When KidShip let out I took my youngest and his friend out so they could drive the Rainbow for a bit. Then I parked the boat for a couple of hours to shower and pick up the oldest from Chessies practice, and got back on the rainbow with my wife for a Friday evening sail.
I'm pretty brown and don't sunburn easily, but I definitely got a little red along the edges of my tshirt-and-shorts tan lines. I'll have to pick up some uv rated long sleeves and pants...
Checked my youngest out of KidShip and took him and his friend right back out on a Rainbow.
My youngest is sailing KidShip until 3, and my oldest is sailing Chessies until 5. At KidShip pickup, I cajoled my youngest to come out on a rainbow and hunt down his brother. After 15 minutes going downwind we saw him, trapezing on the c420. Then we pointed as high as Nimbus could point, and headed back on nice heel in the fresh breeze. Beautiful day, fun little outing, my youngest likes rainbows now. Not sure what more I could ask for.