Took our friend Gwynne and her son from Chicago out for a day sail and to continue learning about my new sails. We had another beautiful run up the beach off Ocean View with lots of wind.
Century Club: Eric Brinsfield
We raced in the final race of the season for Little Creek Sailing Season. Wharf Rat was second across the finish line and first place corrected. We have a beautiful Sunday afternoon for a race.
I raced as a crew member on Wharf Rat for Sunday afternoon's 4th race in the LCSA Turkey Trot Series.
Beautiful afternoon with great wind and conditions.
After returning from the Bahamas last April, I "pickled" my water maker, with the assumption that I would not use the water maker here but would use it again next fall. With COVID-19, we decided to skip the Bahamas this year, so I needed to winterize the water maker. Turns out that propylene glycol is a better long term preservative anyway and can last up to 2 years.
Before switching to PG, I wanted to purge all of the other pickling agent from the system, so I did a fresh water flush and we took the boat out into the bay and made water. The CruiseROWaterMaker still worked like a charm, although the bay water certainly gummed up my prefilters. With 30 gals of RO water made, I could flush the system again with RO water, then load the system with PG. Worked great.
We spent about 4 hours out on the water motoring around and anchored in the bay for a beautiful afternoon.
We found another nice day for a sail on Friday, so Cathy and I headed out of Little Creek to check out the new sails. We were sailing on a beam to close reach along Ocean View with 15-20 knot winds. The boat was steady and balanced with the new sails, which was a big improvement of the old sails. Cathy approved.
Austin Power of North Sails met me at Flight Risk to help install and test my new sails from North. We had a nice afternoon for a test sail. Everything looked great. Many thanks to Austin Power.
I was invited by Mike Brannon to crew on Virginia Lee for the Little Creek Sailing Association's Veterans Day Race. We headed out to the race course with plenty of time, but the engine died about 15 minutes before the start. The wind was blowing about 15-20 so it made it a bit challenging to raise both sails when you could not point into the wind. As a result we were a bit late to the start, but we had a fun race, coming in 3rd across the line but 4th in corrected time.
Lots of wind and a fun course. Thanks Mike for inviting me and for serviing our country.
After a nice evening with friends, we evaluated the weather forecast and saw that no wind was expected in the next few days. Getting a bit tired of motoring everywhere and expecting some new sails to arrive from North any day, we decided to head back to home base at Cobbs Marina.
Once again we motored, but the temperature and sky were unbelievable.
The morning started out with some fog, but by the time we left, the Ware and Mobjack were completely clear. Sergio and Chip were fogged in back in Hampton but eventually met us in Back Creek for a beautiful evening at anchor.
We agreed to meet with Modus Vivendi and Virginia Breeze in the Ware River off the Mobjack Bay. As we left Jackson Creek, the visibility was less than 1/4 mile due to fog. We pushed ahead with fog horn blasing, hoping the fog would lift. Unfortunately, we had fog all day and all the way to Ware River except for a few openings in places.
Sergio and Chip never made it out of Hampton, so Cathy and I enjoyed the entire anchorage in Ware by ourselves.
The photos show the Jackson Creek channel and the camera makes it look clearer than it was. The second photos shows the fog around Wolf Trap which should be clearly visible at 2 miles away.